Curator Nana Bee once more presented her art of gastronomy to share with all visiting creatives lead by founder of Red Gate Gallery, Brian Wallace.
10 August in arts house, the Cookie House, there are no cookies but delicious meat 、salad and wine prepared for guests from downtown Beijing, where indeed is not a far distance comparing to wide space and population in the capital area of China. However the location of the venue is a nature preserved resort by the local government to keep an idyllic and green environment for growing industrialized society.
Encouraged by filmaker Louis K Wang, Nana Bee has started to learn cuisine how-to since moving in Being. She said her role model is Julie Child because she could cooked with a style and elegant. From zero to mastering, Nana Bee now can create amazing dishes based on her own secret recipes.
Of course, all her gastronomic achievement will open and share with people who join our Taosidency© program. In the rough and castle-felt venue, a wonderful meal is a highlight prepared to people who want to experience more in weekend party.In addition to do communication on rich culture and arts for brain, it is also a necessary to present something delicious to satisfy the desire of appetite.
Were all enjoying in the gastronomic party? You can come and try to have a bite on her artworks!