At the root of all human thoughts, emotions and behaviors are the communication between neurons in the brain. Brain waves are generated by a large number of synchronized and unsynchronized electrical pulses from neuron communication.
Brain waves are detected using sensors placed on the scalp, describing their function in terms of bandwidth, but can also be viewed as a continuous stream of consciousness, from slow, loud and single to fast, low and complex. If the brain wave is regarded as a sound wave, it is easy to understand. The low frequency wave is like a deep penetrating drum sound, and the high frequency brain wave is more like a sharp treble flute. Like symphonies, the higher and lower frequencies pass through the harmonics, fading each other and resonating with each other.
Human brain waves change according to what is happening and feeling in moment. When slower brain waves dominate, you feel tired, slow, slow or dreamy. When we feel nervous or alert, higher frequencies dominate.
The above description is only a conceptual idea. In practice, things are much more complicated, and when brain waves occur in different functional areas of the brain, brain waves are also emitted in different arenas where accord and disaccord waves. In these fluctuations, perception and meaning are formed.
People of modern life are used to acoustic harmony, the music of sonic resonance as the consuming products for emotional satisfaction. When obtaining information over time, the bandwidth of brain waves for consciousness has narrowed.
The disaccord is not noise, but also a form of resonance. Have you heard it? Now open the ear to experience this interesting combination. Try to find out the message, see the clue, and expand the frequency of brain wave in cognition.
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