What is Project A.R.T.S. ?
The unbalances Eco-system and unstable economy make the world system a need to do major adjustment. ARTS is the acronym of “Advocating Reformation Towards Sustainability”. It is our project for all culture creative to have an opportunity of being leads…
No-Smoke means more life
(PSA, Lenth:0‘40″, produced by Louis K Wang and Mika Fukui, 1997) The decision to quit smoking is the most important upgrading step in lifestyle that can improve overall health. It is never too late to quit. By quitting smoking, you…
What is the value of contemporary art?
Many people often say that they can’t understand art thing, especially many contemporary arts in exhibitions by independent galleries, where are not only full with exotics but also weird visual imagery with sensory stimuli. Why they are so different from…
Dangerous thing to let everyone know?
Everybody know about that! It seems that everyone knows except you. Those know don’t tell and those tell don’t know. What had happened in real world? Why not to make a film about what you know about what is going…
Memework for Lifestyle
by Nana Bee 20201010 was a very special combination in numbers. Unless there were a time machine to do something after, the meaning of it would have been blank forever. So I feel that something special should be done for…
Club Memework, Beijing
2020.10.10 Under this particular number, We hold a feast of visual arts. Through this Memeworks’ Festival, let the lost catch up with the contemporary, And get rid of the hassles of the first half of 2020 by an art movement….