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A Song for Our Seal of Creativity

La~~ A creative tutor wearing a dress, Inspired brush and long tail ink heart To bring you...
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Funny & cool things in a place called Bridge

Genre:Visual Doodle Format: Digital Video Length:3‘20″ Year:2008 Beijing is a melting pot of culture. There are heroes from...

Penguin Family Enjoying an Art Tour in Beijing

An art tour of  experience originals  The penguin family, on a long holiday, goes out of the cage-liked...

The Experimental Art of A Flower Wonder

by Louis K Wang Sometime the simplicity may be the most powerful message which leaves a strong impression...

Mushroom the Eco-friendly material for future construction?

There is a folklore about giant Cyclops wandering around in countryside forest. There are also many stories about ...

Will Gen X Return Back Glamorously?

Are Gen Xers the first generation to confront modernity of new age? Does gen X represent the transition...

Club Memework, Beijing

2020.10.10 Under this particular number, We hold a feast of visual arts. Through this Memeworks’ Festival, let the...
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Nanabee’s Long Shot Exploring Red Gate Residency Program

by LKW 2017   Could It be a greater experience to share individual creativity with others through art...
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NYC Doodle

NYC Glance Over 1998 Genre:Surreal Short Format: Digital Video Length:1’51” Year:1998...