by Nana Bee
Nana Bee , the curator and novelist, participated the exhibition opening of Serbian artist Mirjana Mit. Stojkovic in Beijing. Nana Bee said she really enjoyed the feeling from East Europe that artist brought in through her artworks and the stroke of a brush in one artistic subject – leaves.
In her third solo exhibition in China, Stojkovic presents 31 pieces at the Artall Gallery Beijing that reflect the theme ‘Ode to Nature’. The paintings evoke the power of life and nature in a show.
“Why I present this subject because the leaves produce oxygen that is most essential element for life in Earth. I see their structure, their essence and their spirit,” said Stojkovic.
The 72-year-old has developed her own unique approach and philosophy during her half century journey in fine art. Leaves have become the major subject for her recent series of work.
Mirjana can not speak Chinese nor English. However her artworks present visual message to urban dawdlers to respect the nature and green environment. Nanabee like this idea concept too. That is a global understanding now with no misinterpretation.
Her paintings are distinctive in a way that grasps the shared charm and abstract likeness between leaves and the universe – sometimes human bodies – opening up a large space for imagination and deep thinking. The delicate changes of color ,tone and the composition of the pictures gives people a strong sense of space that stretches fluidly.
“Leaves symbolizes the strength of nature and life, the eternal existence of nature, regeneration of nature, and the drama of life and death,” Stojkovic said.
Her philosophical oil paintings express the joy that shared by people who live in harmony with nature and the balance of natural power – a Taoist-like mindset, yet in an artistic way.
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